Isaiah 6:8: "I heard the voice of the Lord. saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."

From the throne of God in Heaven there echos to our planet earth this cry for help, a plea  from the Eternal Trinity: Who will go for us..." This reminds us of our Lord's Greatest  commission entrusted to His disciples that they should go into all the world and preach His Gospel to every creature. The Seraphim may minister to those who have become the heirs of salvation, but only those who have been redeemed from among mankind have the high privilege of being called to the supreme responsibilities of the work of redemption.

Notice in the above excerpt the preparation for responding to that appeal. Isaiah has the vision of the Eternal God that "I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne." Isaiah saw in this vision the Heavenly Temple when he was worshipping from earth, and suddenly the material temple gave place to the eternal and the symbolic representations of the earthly temple were clearly revealed: the altar and the laver  - to the Throne of God; the Cloud of incense - to the the aroma of  glory that filled the air; the choir of levites - to the bands of the Seraphim that engirdled the sapphire throne. And above all, "he saw the glory of Christ (John12:41)."

This led to the vision to examine his own heart: "I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips." It is when a man reaches the understanding of the purest, whitest and perfection form of the throne of God  that he realizes the comparative impurity of the whitest white that earth can produce. Probably there was no one in all Jerusalem who lived nearer to God than Isaiah, but when he learned that in the estimation of the Seraphim, God was indefinitely holy. When Isaiah  saw the Seraphim veil their faces in adoration; when he discovered that the whole universe was filled with God, then he remembered the hidden evil of his own heart, and cried out "I am unclean! " Not a moment intervened between his confession and the cleansing of his iniquity, and he was able to say: "Send me."

From dispensation to dispensation we have heard the cry for help from the heart of Christ? Still we are deafened with sin and our unwillingness to hear Him. Are you seeking to enter into His yearning love for the souls of men?  Even before He was crucified He says to each one of us: "Could ye not watch with Me one hour? " Can we just give ourselves to Him and that we may be used in His service for there is no more time to waste: "Here am I, send me, use me."

"Here am I, send me, use me Lord"

Taniela Fonua (Lapaifonua)

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