Homosexual behaviour is not new. It has been around for thousands of years: and virtually every society has had to come to terms with it. Is it bad? Is it good? Or is it just another way of expressing human affection? Should society ban homosexuality? Or should it be welcomed? Do governments have the right to legislate on the sexual behaviour of consenting adults? Or is homosexuality a private matter which shouldn't concern the church, the government or even God? Popular opinion about homosexuality is very difficult to assess. Try out this question on a few people to see what I mean. 'Would you share a house with a professed homosexual?' Many would be insulted by the question: others wouldn't. The answers, nonetheless, would give you some idea about public opinion on this sensitive moral issue.1. Does God Exist?
Before one can properly discuss any complex moral issue, such as homosexuality, it is necessary to answer the question Does God Exist? Some doubt it: but most people believe that He does. They may not go to a church, a mosque or a temple to worship Him, but they do believe in a supernatural Being. We'll call this being 'God.' However, a person's disbelief or belief in God has absolutely no effect whatsoever on the fact of God's existence or non-existence. If God exists, then doubting that fact will not cause Him to go away. If He doesn't exist, then one's belief, however fervent, will not bring Him into existence.In other words, believing or disbelieving in God has absolutely no effect whatsoever on His existence or non-existence. Your belief or doubt may effect God's pleasure or sorrow, but it can have absolutely no effect on His existence. With that thought in mind I will divide people into two basic groups:
- Believers: These are the people who believe that God exists.
- Unbelievers: These are the people who do not believe that God exists. They are atheists.
You may, however, want to first examine the reasons I believe God exists. This article's arguments and conclusions though Bible based are not meant as an attack on any individual or group of individuals, be they believers or unbelievers. Instead it's aim is to inform everyone of how the Almighty God of the Bible, the One known as Jehovah the God of Israel, reacts to the practice of homosexuality.
2. The Rising Popularity of Homosexuality
Sex is big news these days. On TV and in the press the sexual antics of the famous and infamous are discussed daily. Besides, homosexuals no longer hide their sexual orientation. They have ‘come out.’ They boldly proclaim that they are homosexuals. Strangely enough even this development is not new. It took place centuries ago.Isaiah 3: | 9: “The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not.” |
3. God’s Law Concerning Homosexuality
Complex moral issues are not easily dealt with by human governments. What one parliament decides is unacceptable and morally wrong, another, perhaps even in the same country and a few years later, may decide is perfectly all right. How does one legislate on the sexual rights and wrongs of consenting adults? The answer is: men and women cannot do so. We just do not have the mental ability or moral stature to legislate on issues such as homosexuality, fornication, prostitution and Sabbath-breaking. These are moral issues on which only God can legislate.To be sure, parliaments may implement His directions: but should they formulate new moral laws? Do they know enough on the matter of morals and their long-term effects on individuals and society to formulate laws? Obviously not. That is why when discussing moral issues the first question to answer is: Does God exist? If your answer is No, then the rest of this article doesn't concern you: switch off or move to another site. But before you do, remember that your verdict will not make God go away; neither will it prevent His reaction to your subsequent behaviour. If on the other hand your answer is Yes, then what He says about this matter of homosexuality is vital. I will now let the Holy Bible tell you what God thinks of homosexual behaviour. Remember the quotations that follow are taken from the Holy Bible.
Genesis 13: | 13: “But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.” |
Leviticus 18: | 22: “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. 23: Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. 24: Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: 25: And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.” |
Deuteronomy 23: | 17: “There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.” |
Continued On to - - Homosexuality Behavior Part II
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The Bible and Homosexual Practice By Robert A.J. Gagnon Gagnon offers the most thorough analysis to date of the biblical texts relating to homosexuality. He demonstrates why attempts to classify the Bible's rejection of same-sex intercourse as irrelevant for our contemporary context fail to do justice to the biblical texts and to current scientific data. Gagnon's book powerfully challenges attempts to identify love and inclusivity with affirmation of homosexual practice. |
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