Matthew 18:2-3: "He called to Him a little child, and set him in the midst of them, and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye turn, and become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven."

Jesus desired to show us that true "GREATNESS" in us comes from within and comprises of these qualifications:
  1. HUMILITY: Greatness begins with Humility and this is uppermost in calling us His disciple: Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:4).

    A child is naturally born humble until parents and friends begin to spoil him /her  with material affections and possessions of this world. For us we are like "Naaman" of old, our old self must become a little child. Some people are rather proud of their humility, and expect everybody to praised them  for that, but that is not the genuine humility of which Christ speaks of.
  2. LOVE: The next qualification of "Greatness" is Love. We must welcome a Christ likeness souls in our lives. What a contrast between the boy, whose pitiful and distressing story as  depicted in the Matthew 17:14-18 and  this little child that was "set in the midst of them." But in both cases the Lord Jesus proved Himself as a God of Love and a loving Friend. The one He restored to health and mental sanity, and the other He hold in His arms around. Probably the child might be standing or playing near Jesus, so that it only needed a very short pace to bring him in to the Master's side, and he (child) became the inspiring sermon that followed.

    The theme is that we must not  despise or detest one of the least, for they are  also vessels of Christ's special regard despite their puny little state of mind and body. Jesus even guarantees their place in Heaven: Except ye turn, and become as little children and the Kingdom of Heaven is yours.  Jesus amazingly draws aside the veil from the eternal world, and displays to us that the youngest and weakest ones are they to whom the highest regards and care the Heavenly angels are assigned to protect and guard day and night. Even the holy ones of the Presence Chamber of Heaven, who always behold the face of God are also set to watch over the children of the world.
  3. OTHERS CENTERED: The third qualification to "True Greatness" is in the disposition of our relationship to others. Which is in this case we must decrease of our own-self as secondary and increase our  thoughtful cares for  others as primary in our lives. We must be willing to sacrifice, and  prepared to cut off the right hand, or pluck out the right eye for others rather than grieve the Holy Spirit of God. Our attitude about many things which externally might appear perfectly harmless must be determined by the impact and consequence of our action and influence upon others.
 O Lord give unto us  true humility, loving kindness, friendliness, holiness and a useful manner of life that we may bear the burdens of our neighbors, denying ourselves, and striving to benefit other. Most of all and uppermost to PLEASE THEE IN ALL THINGS.


Taniela Fonua (AKA) Lapaifonua

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