We refer to our "Conscience" as the mirror that hold the pathway  to our inner life, and enlightens us just "who we are" and "what we are"  in the light of God's infinite Love and Righteousness. The word "Conscience" is derived from the Latin word "con" meaning "with" and "scio" meaning "I know." Therefore "Conscience" is what a man know with (to do)  or against himself (not to do)

We term a good conscience with our resemblance of a good smile in our face, and at other times we do not like to meet ourselves, but feel ashamed and we cannot deceive ourselves or we say we have a mislead or deceiving conscience. The old proverb said that "Conscience is an "ill bed-fellow," and "when we are troubled with evil dreams, turning, tossing, starting up in fear, rest becomes impossible." It is very necessary to keep on good terms with our conscience, and we do not wonder that the Apostle made it his aim "to always strive to have a conscience without offense toward God and men (Act 24:16)."

God made all of us  with a conscience else God could not judge us, or there would be no standard by which to try to convict. In most cases our conscience is uninstructed, for it judges rightly, so far as it knows, but its knowledge is scant, its power of making accurate distinctions is limited. Note that our Christians conscience is illumined and instructed by the light that falls on it from the face of Christ. We must see to it that our conscience is constantly corrected by Christ's standard.

There  is a distinct between our Conscience and the Holy Spirit. When we became a Christian, a change began to occur in our conscience. The basic moral code that everyone has at birth started to be overhauled. The Spirit of truth took up residency in our heart. Then, whether we were aware of it or not, He immediately set about to reprogram our conscience. Whereas before you had a general sense of right and wrong, the Holy Spirit now began renewing your mind to more specific and complete truths (1 Corinthians. 2:10–13).

We must never tamper with conscience, nor gag her protestations, nor drown her voice. Never say it does not matter for once in a way. Never dare to let her voice wear itself out. To behave thus is to tamper with the most delicate moral machinery in the universe. Let us see that our hearts are sprinkled from an evil conscience in the blood of Jesus, so that we may draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith (Hebrew 10:19-23).

Lord Jesus give us your Holy Spirit in greater measure, and that His saving presence may cleanse our conscience, and His inspiration keeps on enlightens our hearts...


Taniela Fonua (AKA) Lapaifonua

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